Port de belle ile en mer

Belle-Ile en Mer

For an exotic jaunt… to Belle île en mer. Crédits photos : © Morbihan tourisme – Marc Schaffner Crédits photos … Read more

Le plus grand site mégalithique au monde en Bretgane


Carnac, a seaside resort with a rich past close to the Villas of the Gulf of Morbihan in Erdeven Crédits … Read more

Cite d'art et d'histoire Auray

Auray – St Goustan

Auray-Saint-Goustan, a city of art and history, with an upper and lower town on the banks of the Loch. Crédit-photos … Read more

Vannes et ses remparts


Nestled deep into the Morbihan’s Gulfe, Vannes will seduce you with its city walls and its medieval center. © Morbihan … Read more

La Gastronomie Bretonne et les jours de marchés

Local gourmet delights

Discovering Brittany also means awakening your taste buds and testing regional culinary specialities…. © Morbihan tourisme – Marc Schaffner © … Read more